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How to show CAPTCHA on failed logins

You can configure CAPTCHA 4WP to only show login-page CAPTCHAs upon a number of unsuccessful login attempts. When this setting is enabled, CAPTCHA 4WP will keep track of the number of failed logins originating from a specific IP, then show CAPTCHAs once the configured threshold is reached. 

Show CAPTCHA on failed logins only

To configure CAPTCHA to only show on failed logins:

  1. Click on CAPTCHA 4WP from the WordPress main menu
  2. Click on Settings & Placements
  3. Scroll down to the Do you want a CAPTCHA test on the login page only when there are failed logins?option
    1. Tick the Show CAPTCHA test only when there are failed logins checkbox to enable
    2. Enter the number of failed login attempts required to trigger CAPTCHA in the Number of failed logins required to trigger CAPTCHA tests textbox
    3. Enter the number of days every which the plugin should reset all failed login counters
    4. Scroll all the way to the end of the page and click on Save Changes